Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trever Hoehne's Blurry Things

Every time I find myself alone in the backseat of a car, which seems to be rare these days, I feel transported to the age of 5. All the little things I used to to do to keep myself busy while my parents listened to NPR or talked about lame things, come rushing back but not in a memory, in action. I will start jumping telephone poles with my eyes or trying to blink out the gaps in the road paint lines. A personal fav', then and still today, was to go into "blurry world". No game involved or goal to reach. Just squint and stare. 

Trever Hoehne's photo portfolio piece "Blurry Things" brings me back. You gatta love blurry world and his photos are beautiful. Check out his site here.

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