Sunday, May 3, 2009

Welcome to the Cloud

It was just recently that I heard an intellectual speaking about the one sided nature of blogging. He stated that the internet has breed a generation of narcissists who give and give and give information about themselves but could care less about what the rest of the "cloud" has to say. 

In the moment, I could not have agreed more. I reassured myself, "see, this is why you don't have a blog!" I believed that I had somehow subconsciously been aware of this Han Solo blog phenomena and that I had unknowingly been avoiding starting my own because I am not someone who is interested in giving without anyone caring to receive.

Then it hit me...

At 3 am as I procrastinated yet another college writing project, I caught myself surfing facebook, geekologie, inspire me now, and other top quality net content. I realized that I was a taker, and had it not been for blogs and the mindless personal splurging of all the other self absorbed technophiles out there, I would have probably been writing my paper.

On that note, I decided to start my own blog. Half because I'm as narcissistic as the common deutscher, and half because I truly believe that if I try hard enough, someone out there will put off something more important to indulge in my contribution to the cloud we know as the internet. 

I hope you enjoy.


Your deutscher,

Flyer Fly


E. said...

I couldn't have agreed more. It didn't hit me until I read it, about the narcissism.
Nice writing, by the way.

Anonymous said...


your cloud has rained its thoughts on me.